10 Steps to Better Preaching by Larry Dixon

The American humorist Will Rogers reportedly said, “I refuse to accept my religion from anyone who earns his living only by the sweat of his jaw!”

Preaching is a tough business, but it is a primary, Godappointed means of communicating His truth. As refreshing and helpful as group Bible studies may be, there is no substitute for the clear, authoritative proclamation of God’s Word. And in our western context, that usually happens up front, behind a podium or lectern, with a hopefully attentive congregation listening.

I grew up preaching after getting saved as a teenager. And I’ve made every preaching mistake in the book. I’ve also taught homiletics and public speaking and have evaluated scores of sermons from students who paid for the class (and unsuspecting preachers who didn’t realize they were being critiqued for free).

So, here are ten specific steps you can take as a preacher of God’s Word that may well help you become more effective and more confident in your preaching.

To continue reading, click here.


    […] My article on preaching has just been posted on: https://www.biblicaleldership.com/2017/10/25/10-steps-better-preaching/ […]

    Thanks Larry for a great article. I’m keen to get a copy of your 300 illustrations. I find good ones hard to find. Thanks a lot.

    Thanks Larry,
    Great article that I have sent to the elders and preachers in our assembly.

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