Brief Explanation

Biblical eldership is:

  1. Eldership by the book. We call it “biblical eldership” because it honestly and accurately represents the biblical teaching of eldership.
  2. Pastoral eldership. Both the apostles Paul and Peter use shepherd-sheep imagery when defining the work of elders. Thus biblical elders are shepherd (pastor) elders.
  3. Biblically qualified eldership. Biblical elders are required to meet moral and spiritual qualifications and be able to teach sound doctrine and protect the church from false teaching.
  4. Spirit-appointed eldership. Biblical elders must be Spirit-appointed, not self-appointed.
  5. Pastoral oversight of the local church by a plurality of qualified elders. As 1 Tim. 5:17-18 demonstrates, the plurality of elders entails both equality of authority and diversity of giftedness, knowledge, and experience.

Pastoral Leadership

The Scriptures teach that the pastoral oversight of the local church is the responsibility of the church elders.

The two preeminent apostles, Paul and Peter, directly exhort the local church elders to shepherd (or pastor) God’s flock. They assign this task to no other group or single person, but to the elders. Shepherd elders protect, feed, lead, and care for God’s flock (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-2). 

Shared Leadership

Jesus Christ gave the church plurality of leadership. He appointed twelve men to lead and teach his church, not one man.

The New Testament Scriptures also reveal plural leadership in all the first churches (Acts 11:30; 14:23; Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Tim. 5:17-18; Titus 1:5; James 5:14-15; 1 Peter 5:1-5).

Although the elders are to act jointly as a council and share equally the authority and responsibility for the leadership of the church, all elders are not equal in their giftedness, biblical knowledge, leadership ability, experience, and dedication. So both equality and diversity exists within the eldership:

“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing,’ and ‘The laborer is worthy of his wages’” (1 Tim. 5:17, 18).

The advantage of equality and diversity within the eldership is the functional, gift-based diversity within the eldership team without creating a superior office over the eldership.

Male Leadership

Before choosing the twelve apostles, Jesus Christ spent the entire night in prayer with his Father (Luke 6:12). These twelve men were God the Father’s choice. Jesus’ choice of male apostles was based on divine principles and guidance, not human traditions or cowardly accommodation to local Jewish customs.

The biblical pattern of male leadership of the local church continues throughout the New Testament. The apostle Paul especially makes this point emphatic in 1 Timothy 2:11-3:5, when listing the qualifications for overseers/elders and the differing roles of men and women in the gathered congregation.

Although male pastoral leadership of the local church is completely out of line with 21st-century popular beliefs and practices, an honest interpreter of Scripture must allow the Scripture’s teaching precedence over secular society’s philosophy.

Qualified Leadership

The New Testament provides more instruction on eldership qualifications than on any other aspect of eldership. The scriptural requirements for elders comprise three broad categories: (1) moral and spiritual character, (2) teaching and leading abilities, and (3) Spirit-given motivation to serve as a pastor elder (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4; Acts 20:28).

Servant Leadership

Christlike elders are to be servant leaders, not rulers or dictators. Christ’s principles of brotherly community, love, humility, and servanthood are at the very heart of Christian leadership.

Like the servant Christ, elders are to sacrifice their time and energy for the good of others. Only elders who are loving, humble servants can genuinely manifest the incomparable life of Jesus Christ to their congregations and a watching world.

The humble servant character of the eldership does not imply, however, an absence of authority. It demonstrates how Christian leadership authority is to be exercised in Christ’s Church.

Why is Biblical Eldership Important?

  • God’s Word teaches pastoral eldership. Many of our church problems are the result of outright disobedience to the clear instructions of Scripture.
  • Biblical eldership promotes the true nature of the New Testament church. The church is the family of God, and thus its leadership structure should harmonize with and promote the family nature of the church.
  • Biblical eldership provides the leaders of the church with genuine accountability. Because of the realities of sin, human depravity, and Satan, we should require that people in positions of authority within the church have genuine peer accountability.
  • Biblical eldership provides true peer relationships. Having true peer relationships within the leadership body of elders, sharpens, balances, comforts, protects, and strengthens the elders themselves.
  • Biblical eldership provides more balanced pastoral care for the church. Each elder contributes his own wisdom, perspective, knowledge, and experience to group decision making and the care of God’s people. This provides the local church with a more balanced leadership body, and protects the church from one person’s extremes and imbalances.