Character Strategy for Conflict

You got conflict in your church? What’s the first priority in handling it? The answer: having elders and leaders of highest character qualifications! In fact, in approaching a major major conflict in the church or among the leadership, the elders would do well to study afresh and to teach on the qualifications of elders and deacons. Bring the character issues into focus, throwing down the gauntlet, as it were, for all parties to strive for Christlikeness as they come together to deal with the issues.

‘The church [at Ephesus] that Paul addresses ," writes Philip Towner, "had been torn apart by the false teachers, and much of this letter is aimed at putting the pieces back together."  Alex Strauch adds, "High on Paul’s strategy list for ‘putting the pieces back together’ was insisting that the church’s elders and deacons be properly qualified and publicly examined as to their qualifications before being eligible to serve in these positions." From pre-published notes by Alex Strauch.

So, if you are having major issues of conflict, you might consider a series of Sunday morning teachings, extolling the godly characteristics of mature Christian behavior as embodied in the qualifications of elders and deacons, listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

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