Audio Version
Series: Free from the Love of Money
Presenter: Bob Deffinbaugh
Money is one way to distinguish false teachers from the true, and should not be the motivation for preaching or teaching God’s Word.
Remember It
Acts 20:29-35, Titus 1:11, 2 Peter 2:3
a) He often worked with his hands for his own support, b) He often relinquished his right to financial support, c) He maintained his practice, despite the ridicule from others.
False teachers are usually in it for the money. That is a large focus of the message and their motive. They also tailor their message to give people what they want to hear, because people will financially support what “itches” their ears.
Discuss It
- What evidences are there that you view money as Paul and Jesus did? What are some ways to test your qualifications regarding money, as well as the qualifications of others?
- What are the pros and cons for a teacher or preacher to “negotiate” a contract to provide teaching to a local church?
- It appears that wealthy Christian men are more likely to be appointed as elders than those who are poor. How do you explain this? Is it right? What can be done to deal with this situation?
Apply It
- Look through your expenditures for the past several months and see what this tells you about your attitude toward money and material things. After you have done this, discuss your conclusions with your wife or a trusted confidant or accountability partner.
Digging Deeper
“Money, Possessions and Eternity,” by Randy Alcorn