Hechos 20 is the Spanish translation of Acts 20: Fierce Wolves are Coming; Guard the Flock.
God has given us a special gift in Paul’s farewell message to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:17–38). There is really nothing else in the New Testament comparable to this passage. In Hechos 20: Lobos Rapaces Vienen; Protejan El Rebaño, Alexander Strauch provides an in-depth yet practical exposition of this extraordinary portion of Scripture.
History amply demonstrates that the truths of Paul’s message cannot be overstated or repeated too often. The appalling, centuries-long failure to stop false teachers from invading churches can be traced directly back to ignorance of or disobedience to Pauls’ prophetic warnings to the Ephesian elders.
Paul’s instructions and pleas to the Ephesian elders are just as critically needed today as they were that day on the shores of Miletus.
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